Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 3: Anything can be Miraculous

10:30 a.m.
Things to Do:

Attend every convocation

I began my day at chapel were I heard a man named Steve Fitzhugh speak. 

[At Lee University, where I attend, we are required to visit chapel on Tuesday and Thursday roughly between 10:30 and 11:30. We are allowed to miss a few, but not too many]

One thing I have noticed is how many decisions we make or do not make within a day. Every Tuesday and Thursday I go to chapel. I never think about it. Since the first time I have always gone to the Paul Conn Center. I began to realize how many decisions were involved with going to chapel. To go or not to go. Paul Conn or Dixon. Stand up during worship, or remain seated. Things that I do almost every day without thinking. Nothing changed today. I made the decision to go to Paul Conn Center, as usual. Great decision. Best decision of the day.

Steve Fitzhugh was entertaining and amazing from the beginning. He was very humorous, but not in the "I am going to put on a show, and not speak from my heart about Jesus" way, but rather in a way that made things easy to understand, and kept the crowd intrigued long enough to get the message through. 

He went on so many inspirational rants with the following overall points

-He is a soldier for God. He states that he is in a daily battle and will he be victorious through God.
-You have to know who you are to fulfill your calling
-Get rid of the friends in your life that are friends to your face, and enemies to your future
-Fitzhugh told God that NFL was first, his girlfriend Patty was second, and the He (God) was "locked at third"
         -God responded that He was not Fitzhugh's Lord if He was 3rd
                -So Fitzhugh put God first and Fitzhugh ended up in the NFL and breaking up with Patty who was not right for him
-When you get to college find the people who really know how to pray and build a relationship with them
        -this is to keep you from falling victim to the enemy and straying from your destiny
-the enemy's goal is to ruin your life so badly that you never fulfill your destiny
    -This begins with subtle compromise
-Can't rely on your own will power, you must rely on God or you will achieve nothing
-Live a life yielded to God in every way
-God's anger lasts only a moment but His favor lasts a lifetime
        -God has already forgotten your sin, so you should too

Fitzhugh also discussed a story of a boy he came in contact with that was overwhelmed by a demon. He then went on to discuss how through God's power he casted out the demon. He used this story to emphasize the power within us if we declare God's power and glory. It was a refreshing reminder on how if we believe in God's power anything can be done. 

I said all of this to emphasize the greatness I received from making a decision to go to the Paul Conn Center. This really displays the power in our decision making. It also got me thinking on who we should let do our decision making; others, us, or God? 

I prayed and continue to pray that the Lord will bless every request given to me throughout this project so that when I say yes to any request I am doing His will. The unfortunate part though is some people live out the "Yes Man" project daily. It's amazing for most. But what if the wrong people ask us to do the wrong thing. Where does that lead you? Does it benefit you if you let bad people make bad decisions for you. Who should we let make our decisions? Whatever we decide effects everything we do. 

1:00 p.m.


7:00 p.m. Baking
10:00 p.m. Group

Things to Do:

-Apply to CVS

2:00 p.m.

I came across a post on Facebook that read "Why do I feel so insecure at times?". This girl was someone I was never really friends with, but I had always admired. She's an INCREDIBLE artist, and always seemed happy to me. She's beautiful, and connected well with the "popular" crowd. I thought to myself that I should respond, but I told myself no because we didn't really know each other and it would be awkward. Then I thought, does the "Yes Man" get involved here? Do I have to post back. I decided that I should say yes to every thought that provides an opportunity or something I was scared of. This thought was both. I was scared of judgement. And it opened up an opportunity to effect someone. Is God calling me to respond to help her through something serious? Is this my chance to become the hands, feet, and words of God? So I decided that in order to follow this project I had to respond, so I did. 
If you ask me we need more people to step outside of their comfort zone and do things like this. I suffered for a long time, and sometimes still do, will self-harm. Sometimes a little bit of encouragement or display of love could save me from inflicting injury on myself. There are so many days I look back on and think, "If only someone had responded to my status like this". You never know the impact you may have on someone. Step outside of your comfort zone! Who cares if it's awkward?

7:00 p.m. Baking
10:00 p.m. Group

Things to Do:
-Apply to CVS
-Write John 3:16 on the stairs outside of the Vest Building (anyone have chalk I could borrow?)

7:00 p.m. Baking
I went to the Sharp lounge that contains a kitchen, and an area to watch TV. I was told to go in there to make cake pops. I went in there, but became confused as to what I should do. I got a call from my friends asking to hangout. I decided to wait a little bit, but in the end went to hang with my friends. 

8:00 p.m. 
My friends and I moved into the "Conference Room" of my hall. Really it's just a TV lounge where people go to watch TV. We were there to watch Glee. However once there we realized that Glee wasn't on until 9:00p.m.

9:00 p.m. Watch Glee
10:00 p.m. Group

Things to Do:
-Apply to CVS
-Write John 3:16 on the stairs outside of the Vest Building (anyone have chalk I could borrow?)

So we decided to watch X Factor until Glee came on. While in there a bunch of people neither I nor my friends really knew came in and joined us. It was like one person after the other walked in and asked, "What are you watching?" We would respond, "Glee." And they would come in and sit down. Soon the room was full. At first I was nervous. I didn't really know any of them. Three of the girls were from my hall, one of which was my suite mate, and the rest were friends of my suite mate. So I knew three of them by name, but we had never hung out before. In the end though it was pretty great. Nothing terrible happened. We all got along. I would love to say that some miraculous thing happened. Like we all got out the bible and started agreeing on God together. Or we all told each other our testimonies. Or we all became best friends. None of that happened. In fact, I will probably never really get the chance to hang out with them again, but just the fact that in the end it wasn't terrible is enough of a miracle for me to say watching Glee in the conference room was a great decision.

10:00 p.m. Group

Immediately after Glee ended I walked over to the Sharp lounge to meet my hall for our small group. Small group is where we come together as a group of people and strengthen our journey as Christians. Sometimes we share our "happies" and "crappies" where we go around and tell the highlight of our week and the low light of our week. Sometimes we watch youtube videos like, "Why I love Jesus, but hate Religion" , "Why I love Religion and Love Jesus" , and "I Will Wait for You", and then discuss what we think. Sometimes we discuss things like our prayer lives, or our responsibilities as a christian. 

This week we discussed our prayer lives. We got into why and how we should pray. We discussed what prayer can do for us. It was a great discussion that reminded me of the importance of always making time for God. Group is never a disappointment for me.


Things to Do:
-Operation Christmas Child Boxes
-Apply to CVS
-Write John 3:16 on the stairs outside of the Vest Building (anyone have chalk I could borrow?)
-Play guitar for group

My second day, and I still haven't quite had anything "miraculous" happen to me. But who are we to define what is "miraculous"? Who am I to say that learning how precious spending time with God is not miraculous? Who am I to say that Steve Fitzhugh is not miraculous? Who am I to say that hanging with people you don't know is not miraculous? It's only the second day and I have learned so much. I can't wait to see what else is to come! Talk to you soon!

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