I have been sending out a lot of requests for interviews, but no one was responding. Finally, I got one!
I interviewed Amira. I found Amira through her blog about how she too attempted the Yes Man project.
I asked her four questions:
1. What was the biggest thing you took away from the project?
Answer: The biggest things I took away were the new experiences that I gained from saying yes. Like I mentioned in my post, it's easy to say no or make up excuses and never know the opportunities that we are missing out on. After saying yes all the time, I've realized all the great memories I've made by just keeping an open mind and not making excuses.
2. Did the project have a permanent effect on your life?
Answer: I only started this project about a month ago but the past month has been exceptional. I've had a very fun month with many adventures that I might have never had without the Yes Man theory. I think by following the theory people become happier and more fulfilled with their everyday lives.
3. What were the negative effects the project had on your life?
Answer: I'm not sure there were many ones. I mean, it's tiring to continuously say yes and go with the flow but then you realize it's worth it.
4. What advice could you give someone like me who is taking on the project?
Answer: Keep an open mind. You never know what will happen next so the best thing you can do is try and be positive about it. Also, sometimes we make excuses and don't even realize it. Obviously you can't say yes to everything in the world but be aware of the moments when you're passing up on an opportunity and don't even realize it (i.e. mine would be when I was tired and almost went home one night instead of going out with some new people).
Overall, I found that Amira and I agreed on many things. We both think that this project should be taken on, even if for just a little while, by everyone. It makes you more adventurous, and as she put it, happy. I also agree with her statement that we sometimes don't realize every opportunity we turn down. This is something I am definitely learning through this project as I mistakenly say no to opportunities only to realize that I had done so by the end of the day. It was really great interviewing Amira, and it was nice to see that we agree on just about everything. Talk to you soon!
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