Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 16: Article

Learning to Say No - Confessions of a Business Yes Man

Today I read this article titled, "Learning to Say No - Confessions of a Business Yes Man" by Steve C. of which you can see the link to above. This article is a little different than the ones I have read in the past. Instead of reading an article on someone who learned the importance of saying yes, this man learned the importance of saying no. Steve describes himself of a different version of a "Yes Man" that I have come across in the research I have done with this project. He speaks of the "Yes Man" with no back bone. A person not out for adventure, but rather someone who simply can't say no. I understand this person. Though I was quick to say no to any opportunity, I could never turn down someone who asked for a favor. "Can you lend me some money?" "Can you go up to my room and get my computer?" "Can you throw my food away?" I had no problem saying yes to things like this. Sometimes I genuinely enjoy helping people out, but sometimes I actually can't find anything within me that will let me say no to questions like these. This is why during this project I have become frustrated with the people who have turned me into their puppet. Asking me these questions knowing that I have to say yes. I am not frustrated with them because I have to do it. I am frustrated because it's nothing new to me. I have always done things like that. With this project I wanted to start getting myself to say yes to opportunities. 

Steve was just like me. Couldn't say no to a crying customer, or someone desperate for something. He simply couldn't say no to doing a favor for someone. This was especially harmful to him because he was a business man who just began his business. He ran into customer after customer that would take advantage of this "Yes Man" style. They would request he hand deliver, buy a lot of product and then they wouldn't purchase all of it, and for him to create a completely different product than what he offers only to be dissatisfied and not purchase the product. So Steve learned that this version of a "Yes Man" was not beneficial, and so unlike me, he learned how to say no. He learned the importance of the two letter word, and the power it can hold especially in business. I have learned the importance of no as well. However, I have learned the importance of finding the balance between no and yes. I am discovering that I should say yes more often to opportunities, but I should also learn how to say no to people trying to take advantage. 

Life overall is a balancing act. Balancing that amount of food, and the amount of exercise. Balancing the hours we're awake with the hours we're asleep. Balancing our time management. Being a "Yes Man" is no different. You must learn the balance between what you should say yes to, and what you should say no to. Don't allow yourself to be walked over, but don't miss the opportunities that come knocking at your door. Talk to you soon!

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