Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 20: Reflection

Today was the day I went back to Tennessee. The weirdest thing though is when we were headed to Maryland I kept referring to it as going home (that's normal though), but when we were headed to Tennessee I also referred to it as going home. I saw no issue, but everyone from Maryland kept correcting me which is understandable. The day started off with Victoria, Brenda, Rebekah, Laura, and I all going to church. We were surprising the people there too. It was really cool. People that I didn't even know knew me started getting happy that we were there. The worst part though was when they asked us how long we were staying and we had to respond, "Well, until after second service worship, then we're headed home..." I connected with a lot of people that I had never really connected with before. Most of them were adults older than I was. It was a really cool experience. 

The entire way home was twelve hours of reflecting on what had happened the last three days. I realized first and foremost that the crap that comes between people doesn't matter anymore. When I got home I didn't care who I hung out with most and who talks crap about me, I was just happy to see them. All of them. Even the ones that were new and I knew nothing about. I didn't care what age they were and whether I knew them, I just loved being there with them. When you go from having every day with people to lucky if you see them every few months you begin to throw away the crap, and just cherish the moment. I learned that I had changed a lot (for the good), but I still felt just as home when I was in Maryland. 

I wrote down in my journal what I would say to those in my youth group in Maryland if I had the chance. The Unfortunate part is that even if I ever got the chance to say these words, they wouldn't hear them. We as human beings are very stubborn. Billions of people have lived before us and given us so much wisdom and advice, but we refuse to listen because we think that we can do better. How many people end up with broken hearts because they don't listen to those around them, older then them, warning them that the relationship they are in is not healthy. How many times does history repeat itself because we refuse to learn from it? The pain you feel could have been prevented if you had just listened to those trying to warn you. Those in high school listen to your parents and friends in college trying to warn you about how you are going to miss those days. Those of you who "hate" your parents right now, listen to those before you warning you that one day you won't have them by your side daily and that day you'll regret that you didn't cherish it while you had it. Most importantly love everyone like today will be the last day you see them, because you never know it just might be. 

10/21/2012 Day 20

If I could give any advice to those at home I would say sit down and take a look at the people around you. Yes, even the one's you can't stand. These are the people that you're heart will break for when you are missing them one day. Look at you're family. They are your back bone. They have brought you up to take care of yourself even if that meant not taking care of you at all, and yes, when you leave you will miss them like crazy. I promise. For those of you who believe your parents are terrible, I promise you there is worse, and even if there isn't like they teach us in psychology, one prefers the bad familiar over the good unfamiliar. I am not trying to say your life isn't hard because I remember being you not too long ago, and you will probably never understand what I am saying until you leave, but do not take what you have now for granted. One day misplacing your license, someone talking bad about you, and the grades you make won't matter anymore. In fact, you'll learn how to laugh at it. For when you are in complete turmoil because all you want to do is get that life back, you won't care about the crap that comes with it. When all you want is your former friends and your family, people who don't love you just don't seem to matter anymore. Love your family. For pretty soon you'll be lucky if you see them every few weeks. Open your hearts to everyone around you because you never know who you are going to call on your roughest days when you just need someone to help you get through. I promise you, one day that person that you just can't stand will be the person you somehow find yourself calling just to hear what's going on in their life because they are a small piece of what used to be your life. Work hard and keep up, but don't be afraid to fail. And if there comes a day where you have to chose, never miss great memories like prom, church events, trips, retreats, and even movies with friends. Because when you're gone these are the moments that you'll have to hold on to and keep you going. Don't allow yourself to have regrets. I promise that if you don't go (to prom, retreats, whatever) one day you will question, and regret. Don't regret. But if I could say one word to you, only one word, that word would be, love.

Now I'm back. It's the weirdest feeling ever. I am torn. I want with all of my heart to just be back with my family and friends, but I also want to be here. I love being at both places. I love the things I learn here, and the things I get to do. But I also miss with all of my heart everything from back home. Overall, I am SO glad I went home for the weekend. I have no regrets. Please don't turn down opportunities like this. Please take any opportunity you get. You won't regret it! Talk to you soon!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 19: Day with My Other Family

Today is the day! I woke up early in the morning at six to get to the church where I was meeting with Victoria. From there we drove an hour to the campgrounds where the youth was staying. I was sporting an army jacket of my dad's that was three times my size because I stupidly forgot to bring jackets home with me. Once we got there a member of the youth who already knew we were coming met with us. Then she took us into where the youth was having breakfast. We walked in casually like nothing was happening. Our youth leader slyly said, "Well hey. Find a seat anywhere." At first I was a little disappointed. No one was reacting. They were just going on and eating. Then finally a few of them looked up, and then it hit them. Everyone displayed their own face of surprise. They jumped up and greeted us. It was one of the greatest feelings I have ever had. Some of them said that it took them a while to respond because they didn't really realize what was happening. One girl said that she didn't think anything of it. She thought, "Oh hey, they're just coming from their cabins. Wait? Wait what?" And then she realized. Haha. It was great. We sat down and ate breakfast with them, and talked in person for the first time in months. It felt like we had never left. I felt more connected with them now then ever before.

Then after breakfast we went into what was called the lakeside house. It was this little building that was on the lake. It was such a beautiful scene. They had set it up as our hangout spot. When you walked in there was a room full of couches and FOOD! Then it led to another room with a stage set up, and string lights hanging from the ceiling. We went in there where we had a quick worship followed by a message from our youth leader Mark. It was so great to be finally back there. Yes, things have changed. We lost our youth pastor and his wife as they moved to Florida to start their own church, and we were now led by a group of people as opposed to just two. But they are all people that we have known before. It felt like nothing had changed. Then they told us that we were about to embark on our group building project. So they got us to pair up with people and then they blindfolded all of us. Then they revealed our mission. We were to all link as one big long chain of blindfolded people out of the building and around the campground. We were only allowed to say four words without any clarification as to what they meant, "Up, down, left, right." The leaders lead us all out as we were blindfolded. The chain broke often since everyone in front of you was pulling you forward, and everyone behind you was pulling you backwards in fear or separating from you. So then we were given one last noise that we could do to signal that we had broken off it was a bird call of sorts. We learned very quickly that up meant step up, and down meant duck. Our leaders weaved us in between cars and trees, and everywhere. Eventually then led us onto some sort of platform. Then the platform began to rock. Some people screamed in fear that they were on a boat. Our challenge was to balance whatever we were on. It took us a while, and a few of us fell off, but we got it eventually. Then they let us take our blindfolds off, and we saw that we were on a gigantic balancing board. From there they split us into groups.

My group's first task was this:
There were two platforms with a rope in between. We were to get from one platform to the next using the rope. Here's the catch. Only one of us was allowed to talk. The shyest one of all of us. We had to get the rope without stepping off the platform. Lastly, we all had to fit on the platform. Fourteen of us on what appeared to be a 2x2 platform (measured in feet). If we fell off we lost the limb that touched the ground. It was interesting, but we did it.

Next Task:
This one was challenging for me. I am terrified of heights, and I hated people lifting me up. The task was that we all had to get over what appeared to be an eight foot wall. The only person allowed to talk was the person going over the wall. And everyone had to get over. We decided that we would designate two people that we knew could climb the wall on their own to lift us all over the wall. The plan was successful. The most amazing thing about it was my turn. I didn't even think about it. I just grabbed the hands of those lifting me, and climbed over the wall. If you asked me to do that last year I would have laughed at you and walked away. I am beginning to noticed the small changes within me because of this project.

Next Task:
All fourteen of us had to fit on what was called an elephant stand. It was maybe 1x1 (measured in feet). The catch (besides the size) they blindfolded who they thought to be the three strongest leaders, two others and of course me. I thought, okay, and sat back as everyone else discussed how to go through with this. Usually, I would be terrified, but not this time. Someone grabbed me and brought me onto the platform and instead of being terrified as my heart rate sped up I just followed them with trust.

Last Task:
We were to balance all fourteen of us on log connect to a tree by wires that rocked back and forth. Anyone was allowed to talk, except those who fell of the log. So I of course waited to be last on the log so that I could talk the entire time. It took us quite a few tries, but we got it eventually.

I really enjoyed these activities. It kind of felt like my final test for this project. Here I was in an environment that normally terrified me with people I felt comfortably enough with to refuse to do anything, and yet I didn't. I did it all without fear. Once again I felt at peace.

After the activities we went back to the lakeside house and discussed many things. The leaders opened up to the youth and allowed them to share their ideas as to what the youth group should be doing. How they should get out events. What events they should be doing. Everything. It was a great time to see how the youth was struggling, and also how much they weren't struggling. While down here I have gotten lots of letters and facebook messages on how terrible it has been back home in the youth after the leaders changed up a lot of things. But in this meeting I began to realize that nothing change but the leaders. Sure they no longer have service on saturday, and Jacqueline and Brian aren't there. But they all still communicate the same way. They all still hang out and care for each other. They all still fight and get frustrated. It's still a family. Then we went to lunch. After lunch we all broke out into the interlude. Where people from other churches on the campground sat around and wondered what we were doing. After dinner we did the same thing, but with the Cupid Shuffle. This time a lot of people joined in with us. There is something about our youth group that draws people in. Whenever we go to places like Winterfest and Teen Talent we always gain friends and people that just want to be a part of us. While we were blindfolded and being lead through the forest kids from other churches were trying to join us. Some would come along our side and warn us about the trees we were about to run into. It was especially cool because I got to share the african version of the cupid shuffle with the youth that I had learned at Lee. I was just so happy to be with them all again.

Which leads me to the next part, the hardest part of the day. After our dance party we went into lakeside house again and worshipped. It was such and amazing worship service. I felt so in touch with God. The "Yes Man" project has even crept into my spiritual life. Whenever we are worshipping or praying as a whole in church I always feel like I should pray for certain people in the youth, but I never do. This time was different. Someone's named popped up in my head and I went right to them, no question. Eventually we all joined hands in the room in a circle. We began to pray for everyone in the circle. And then we began to sing. Then we all sat down, and the worship leader asked us to all cry out to God, so we did. Eventually I began singing "Your Presence is Heaven to Me" from the Forward conference we had gone to over the summer. Then someone next to me began singing, "Jesus be the Center" from the same Forward conference. Next thing I know we are all singing "Jesus be the Center". Eventually the song died off and Mark came up to pray. After his prayer everyone got ready for the message he was about to speak. Then what I had been dreading the entire time came, Victoria's mom came up to me and told me it was time to go. So I grabbed my stuff, and tried to nonchalantly wave Mark goodbye and leave. He said goodbye back and everyone realized we were leaving. So everyone began to jump up to hug us and say goodbye. The first few people I was fine. Then I looked over and saw Brenda saying goodbye in complete tears. Then I broke down. Tears flooded out of my eyes. I couldn't keep it together anymore. Eventually, however we left, and we all went home.

Just another day that proves this trip was worth the 24 hours of driving. It was hard, but I needed it. Tomorrow is my last day in Maryland. Talk to you soon!

Day 18: Day With the Family

Today was the day of fall break that I got to spend all day with my family. My dad took the day off of work. I was so excited. We really didn't do anything spectacular. In fact, I spent the entire day catching up on some of the shows that I don't always have time to watch when I am down in Tennessee. However, it was still a great day. My mom sat down and watched TV with me. I was surprised. I love my mom, so please don't judge her based off this next statement. But usually my mom is either constantly on her computer or on her phone. When she isn't she's painting amazing pictures. So the fact that we were sharing the couch with our many dogs sitting in between us was amazing. Then she shared with me that my dad had been struggling. Apparently when my dad got back home after dropping me off at school he was a little upset. So my mom said that she had decided to start watching TV with him again. That might sound lame to you. But that sounds amazing to me! Watching TV is one of my dad's favorite ways to pass time. Sitting with my dad as he watches TV is a great way to feel connected with him. Then I learned that my mom, who used to still be wide awake when I would wake up at 6:00 a.m., was actually going to bed with my dad and waking up at reasonable times in the morning as opposed to mid-afternoon. I came home for the fall retreat surprise, but I am so glad that I came because I got to see my family. I became a little upset. Why is it that when I leave my family starts to get closer? But then I realized that if I hadn't left they wouldn't have gotten closer. My dad would not be upset, and my mom would have no reason to try and hangout with him. 

Later in the day my parents took me shopping. :) I loved this shopping trip. We went to Walmart and for the first time in months I felt free to shop. I still tried to look out for deals because I didn't want to disrespect my father, but I also did kind of got crazy. (sorry dad) But I bought so much food, ravioli, fruit snacks, chocolate, and pop tarts! Then I got things like rain boots, socks, and underwear. (sorry TMI  I know, but hey it's a part of life) However, I forgot all of the important stuff like, toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, and cleaner for my bathroom in Tennessee. The way back home was something amazing. Before I tell the story I must let you know that I am TERRIFIED of tornados. Even the mention of the word makes me shiver. On the way home it began to storm out of nowhere. We turned on the weather station on the radio as the clouds around us began to rotate. Then the station began to say things like, "Take cover." "Get to the lowest floor of your house." "If you're on the road, find a ditch." Things always followed by, "We are under a tornado warning." Usually my reaction to words like this is hyper-ventilation and sheer terror. But this time I just watched the clouds swirl as I smiled in complete serenity. Something about this project is creating me to let go of fear, and grasp on to the thought of knowing everything will be fine. I felt at peace. 

It was one of the best days I have had in a while. I'm so glad I came to Maryland. Can't wait for tomorrow! Talk to you soon!

Day 17: Best Adventure Yet

A few weeks before I started this project if you would have asked me if I was going home for fall break I would have said, "No way. 24 hours of driving is not worth the two days I will be staying there." I was convinced I was not going. Then I got a reason to go. All of my friends here at college with me that are from my church back home were going home, and three out of four of them were going to surprise the youth group back home while they were one their fall retreat. The fall retreat was when our youth group went to some sort of campground and had an amazing time having fun, and getting closer to everyone and God. I was so stoked. But then I realized that the trip would cost money. So I decided again that I was not going. I couldn't afford it. And if I wasn't able to do the main reason I was going home. Then I didn't want to go at all. But then someone asked me during the yes man project, and so I had to say yes. Yes, this does kind of seem like it would fall under the impossible category, but I decided to just trust that everything would work out. And it did. Remember back when I told my grandparents that I needed help, and they provided me with help? Well the money they gave me was more than I expected. :) So I was able to afford the trip with the money they gave me. So today I traveled thirteen hours back home. We left at six in the morning, and arrived home at 7:30 ish p.m.

The entire trip Victoria and I switched off as drivers. I drove most of the way. I was okay with doing so though. My stomach was acting up, and driving took my mind off of it. I don't remember what provoked it, but I saw a sign and decided to scream, "BUCKLE UP VIRGINIA!" followed by what I can only describe as a tribal call. So for the rest of the trip whenever something like this happened we would all do the tribal call, and it kept things fun as well as kept us awake. We did this with any state sign, every time we gained back minutes on our GPS count down, anytime an hour or a significant amount of mileage was completed, and so on. Then we got into MARYLAND. Once we got there our tribal call turned into all out high pitched girl screams. I even joined in with what I like to call my horror  film scream. It's where I strain all the muscles in my neck and scream. It produces an incredibly high-pitched murderous scream that always provides a good laugh. Especially when it's a guy doing it. Finally we got to Victoria's house, our destination, and we screeched all the way up the driveway. Victoria's parents were concerned for our safety. It was probably one of the best road trips I have ever been on. I am so glad I decided to go home. My next few entries will be on this trip. I hope you enjoy! Talk to you soon!

Day 16: Article

Learning to Say No - Confessions of a Business Yes Man

Today I read this article titled, "Learning to Say No - Confessions of a Business Yes Man" by Steve C. of which you can see the link to above. This article is a little different than the ones I have read in the past. Instead of reading an article on someone who learned the importance of saying yes, this man learned the importance of saying no. Steve describes himself of a different version of a "Yes Man" that I have come across in the research I have done with this project. He speaks of the "Yes Man" with no back bone. A person not out for adventure, but rather someone who simply can't say no. I understand this person. Though I was quick to say no to any opportunity, I could never turn down someone who asked for a favor. "Can you lend me some money?" "Can you go up to my room and get my computer?" "Can you throw my food away?" I had no problem saying yes to things like this. Sometimes I genuinely enjoy helping people out, but sometimes I actually can't find anything within me that will let me say no to questions like these. This is why during this project I have become frustrated with the people who have turned me into their puppet. Asking me these questions knowing that I have to say yes. I am not frustrated with them because I have to do it. I am frustrated because it's nothing new to me. I have always done things like that. With this project I wanted to start getting myself to say yes to opportunities. 

Steve was just like me. Couldn't say no to a crying customer, or someone desperate for something. He simply couldn't say no to doing a favor for someone. This was especially harmful to him because he was a business man who just began his business. He ran into customer after customer that would take advantage of this "Yes Man" style. They would request he hand deliver, buy a lot of product and then they wouldn't purchase all of it, and for him to create a completely different product than what he offers only to be dissatisfied and not purchase the product. So Steve learned that this version of a "Yes Man" was not beneficial, and so unlike me, he learned how to say no. He learned the importance of the two letter word, and the power it can hold especially in business. I have learned the importance of no as well. However, I have learned the importance of finding the balance between no and yes. I am discovering that I should say yes more often to opportunities, but I should also learn how to say no to people trying to take advantage. 

Life overall is a balancing act. Balancing that amount of food, and the amount of exercise. Balancing the hours we're awake with the hours we're asleep. Balancing our time management. Being a "Yes Man" is no different. You must learn the balance between what you should say yes to, and what you should say no to. Don't allow yourself to be walked over, but don't miss the opportunities that come knocking at your door. Talk to you soon!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 14: Finally an Interview!

I have been sending out a lot of requests for interviews, but no one was responding. Finally, I  got one! 

I interviewed Amira. I found Amira through her blog about how she too attempted the Yes Man project. 

I asked her four questions:

1. What was the biggest thing you took away from the project?

          Answer: The biggest things I took away were the new experiences that I gained from saying yes. Like I mentioned in my post, it's easy to say no or make up excuses and never know the opportunities that we are missing out on. After saying yes all the time, I've realized all the great memories I've made by just keeping an open mind and not making excuses. 

2. Did the project have a permanent effect on your life?

          Answer: I only started this project about a month ago but the past month has been exceptional. I've had a very fun month with many adventures that I might have never had without the Yes Man theory. I think by following the theory people become happier and more fulfilled with their everyday lives. 

3. What were the negative effects the project had on your life?

          Answer: I'm not sure there were many ones. I mean, it's tiring to continuously say yes and go with the flow but then you realize it's worth it. 

4. What advice could you give someone like me who is taking on the project?

          Answer:  Keep an open mind. You never know what will happen next so the best thing you can do is try and be positive about it. Also, sometimes we make excuses and don't even realize it. Obviously you can't say yes to everything in the world but be aware of the moments when you're passing up on an opportunity and don't even realize it (i.e. mine would be when I was tired and almost went home one night instead of going out with some new people).

Overall, I found that Amira and I agreed on many things. We both think that this project should be taken on, even if for just a little while, by everyone. It makes you more adventurous, and as she put it, happy. I also agree with her statement that we sometimes don't realize every opportunity we turn down. This is something I am definitely learning through this project as I mistakenly say no to opportunities only to realize that I had done so by the end of the day. It was really great interviewing Amira, and it was nice to see that we agree on just about everything. Talk to you soon!

Day 13: Knock on My Door

The night before I went to bed thinking I was going to sleep in, and I was excited. Yes, I knew today was Sunday, but I just wasn't feeling church. Around 10:30 a.m. I rolled over in a half-asleep transe. My mind knew my body should be awake, but my body did not. Then I heard a knock at my door. I was too tired to yell come in, but I tried. It came out as a pathetic whisper. By the time I got to the door, no one was there. I thought I it was Victoria so I called her. Turned out it was Rebekah who was now with Victoria. They wanted to know if I wanted to go to church. I figured, eh I'm awake, why not? And I am glad that I did.

First, I saw this guy during worship rocking out to the music, and he reminded me of my friend Ben. He then got up on stage, and started walking around. I was excited, I thought he was going to preach, but then he walked off. At that moment I concluded he was crazy. Then a few minutes later during the offering he got back on and started singing, and he was AMAZING! If the service ended there I would have been perfectly content with going to church. 

But then after him there were many testimonies of all generations from children to adults speaking of a conference they had just attended that was all about introducing generations to each other and showing that each generation has something to give. I don't exactly remember what they said, but it sparked up a passion within me. I have been fighting for a long time, and I still am fighting, about what I should major in. I love film. I feel called to create many films, and make a difference through them. But I also feel called to pastor the youth. During their testimonies my heart, bringing my mind along with it,  began to become ripped in so many directions. I want to make movies. I want to pastor. I want to make a difference. I can't do it all. Or can I? What am I supposed to do? Crap, what did they just say? Should I pay attention to this? God, help me. I fought with my thoughts over and over, and then finally I came to a conclusion, not an answer, a conclusion because the answer has not come yet and may never come.

1. I am to spread God's word to everyone through film by using the stories I have and, without overwhelmingly doing so, placing God's presence within them
2. I am to one day preach God's word to crowds of many of the youth (whether that be right out of college, now, or days to come)
3. When I am called I am to be a personal youth pastor (and by that I mean at a church and not just preaching to many)

I determined that next semester I am going to take a class in youth ministry and two in film. I would take more in youth ministry, but you have to take one class as a prerequisite to all of the other classes. I passionately feel now that I am to follow my passion in film, and create the scripts that I have written into movies. I also believe that whether it is by power given to me through film or something totally different God is going to call me to speak out to crowds of youth. He keeps giving me visions of being on large stages talking to thousands of the youth. I also believe that one day I am supposed to be a youth pastor, but I am not sure if that is meant for me right out of college or later in life. This is the thing about having a calling, it is so confusing. You never know your next turn until God reveals it to you. It's terrifying, but it's also really exciting!

Rebekah and Victoria decided that today was the perfect day for a "High School Musical" marathon. Then when we got to the third movie they asked me over and over again to rewind a certain part (the link below is to the clip they wanted played over and over), and I had to say yes.

Sorry you had to watch that if you did. But I had to watch it at least fifteen times...

Either way today was a great day. I am glad that I went to church, and not going to lie I enjoyed the "High School Musical" marathon. Hoping for more adventures. Talk to you soon!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 13: Article

As you may remember towards the beginning of my project I saw the movie "Blue Like Jazz". The movie is almost a perfect match with my project. The main character Don is a guy keeping himself busy with safe opportunities like volunteering at his church. But when he moves to college he strays away from safe opportunities and moves to adventurous opportunities. Now I am not saying that, like him, I want to get wasted, burn books, and share a bed with an upset lesbian, but he had become very much a yes man, like me.

I am not the only one to identify with Miller.

In "Blue Like Jazz: I was Donald Miller" author Christian Piatt discusses how he too can relate to Donald Miller, the man who lived and wrote Blue Like Jazz.

Piatt admits that, like Miller, he grew up in church, lost his views at college, and was drawn back to religion with the help of a girl. 

Piatt also discusses sitting down with Miller, Taylor (Director of the Movie), and Allman (the actor that played Miller). They talk about making the movie and doing whatever they could to make their dream happen. They were unable to raise enough money so they called it quits. Miller even announced on his blog that the movie wasn't going to make. So two fans stepped up and developed a system of getting people to donate money for the movie in return to get their names in the credits. You can see evidence of this when they roll the credits and there are thousands of names running down the right side of the credits. And then he goes on to discuss the differences between the movie and the book. 

I couldn't help but read this article and think of the "Yes Man". If Taylor hadn't decided to listen the two fans who wanted to help him raise money, this movie would have never happened. If Allman decided to not take the request to audition for this part, the movie would have a different feel. If Miller hadn't chosen to go to Reed this story would be non-existent. 

Overall, I have been learning from this project that life is a "yes man" project. Meaning, our lives are full of taking or not taking opportunities and the results of which option we choose. Our lives are full of moments that can alter our path. Sometimes it's ok to say yes even if you're afraid. So as always I encourage that, at least for one day, you try to not turn down any opportunities. Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 12: Article

Become a Yes Man and Say Yes to Every Opportunity

This is a short article the author wrote to explain why someone should become a Yes Man. The author states, "The secret behind becoming a Yes Man is simply to stop hiding behind your excuses. Instead of saying “no”, just say “yes” and go out with your friends and have the time of your life. I promise when you grow old you will fret all the things you did not do and remember all the things you did." I agree. One of the main reasons I started this project was because I was losing a part of myself, and letting life slip through my hands every time I turned down an opportunity. I decided I didn't want to grow old and regret. I didn't want to feel like I am not living life. The author also states, "Life! We are all living it — or are we?" This really stuck out to me because it is true. I feel like I am not living life when I turn down all of the opportunities that I do. I agree with this author. Everyone should try the "Yes Man" project even if it isn't for a month but a few weeks. My advice, don't tell ANYONE! It's hard but it will save you from doing the stupid idiotic things that really shouldn't be involved. 

Talk to you soon!

Day 15: Article

How to Be Adventurous by: Brad Bollenbach

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -Howard Thurman

The article starts off with this powerful quote. Then Bollenbach speaks on how he believes that life is meant to be adventurous, and without adventure, you are missing something. He also goes on to say that there is no limit to being adventurous, no one too old, too young, too poor, too rich, too held back, too anything. Powerfully Bollenbach states that, "Right now is the only moment you ever have." So many times we are told that in our lives, but we never listen. We just agree, sometimes loudly state, "AMEN!", and then get on with our lives. It is very rare that a person decides to follow this, and when they do they are called names like hippies, or just plain dumb. Sometimes I look at these people and wonder if they are the ones who have it right, and we are the ones who are dumb. Bollenbach puts it simply, "'re only ever either taking action to achieve a specific goal, or making excuses for why you aren't."

However, then Bollenbach goes into the more practical aspect. He begins to explain some of the more serious excuses for not being adventurous, no money for your idea, about to finish your degree, family,  and so on. But then with that he asks, "What can you do right now, this afternoon or tonight, to increase your adventure quotient?" And that is something that I have had to think about a lot on this project. What can I do today that can make things interesting? Unfortunately, I never act on my ideas because I don't want to manipulate the project. My goal is to see what opportunities I am missing that are offered to me, so I am trying to let the opportunities flow in as naturally as possible. So for all of those who want to be practical out there Bollenbach offers simple words for encouragement on how to be more adventurous, "Throw yourself into the world." "Go out to a social event this evening, by yourself." That last one is rough. That is one I think most people struggle with. Everyone is down for a party with a few friends. But how about a party at someone's house whom you do not know at all, with no one other than yourself coming with you? Then for those who are especially stubborn and complain that they can't find anything Bollenbach lists things you can do. "Art shows, Book Readings, Rock Concerts, Museum Exhibits, Beginners Night Dance Classes, Speed Dating, Outdoor Festivals, Geek Gatherings, and Parades/Rallies/Protests." There is something out there for everyone, you just have to be willing to look. "The beauty of boldness is that you get to choose your own adventure." (Bollenbach) That is true and when it's all over you only have yourself to thank or blame, but trust me you'll still be happy with yourself for at least trying it. 

The next piece of the article Bollenbach discusses the importance of attending things solo and not with others. He suggests that doing so will create confidence and self-identity. He then states, "Learing to create your own fun gives you more control over your social life." You can't mope around and blame others anymore when you are sitting in your dorm room alone. You just get up and do something. You control what happens each day and night, not everyone around you. Yes, Skinner, may have said that we are radishes in the sense that we are as big or small as we are in respect to how our enviroment raises us, but I say that is rubbish. Step up. Take control of your size. It is not to the fault of those around you that you chose to do nothing. No one invited you? Invite yourself? They don't want you to hangout with them? Great! There are 6,966,536,774 people in this world, someone is bound to like you. GET OUT THERE! And stop blaming anyone, but yourself. Believe me when I say most of these words are directed to myself. I love when Bollenbach states, "Suddenly, those awkward moments of waiting around like a loser for your friends to show up at some social gathering become opportunities to meet new people." That is so true, and we all have been there. Who wants to be the awkward kid sitting in the corner? No one. So don't be. Choosing to go alone will create you to stray away from being awkward, and start being social. We are meant to be social. Though it may help sooth us sometimes, our mouths were not meant for talking to ourselves.

Then Bollenbach addresses the fearful. He lists off all of the scary things you will encounter when being adventurous. "You won't know what to say when you approach people, You might end up standing around like a loser, You'll be almost visibly shaking for the first few people you approach, Some people will think you're creepy, Some people will think you're weird because you're not out with your friends, You'll tell yourself, "Oh my God! This is too hard! I think I'll just rent a movie instead. :/" Believe it or not these are all things that everyone goes through, even those that are more outgoing. I have a friend that is known for his (as my pastor puts it) Rico Suave attitude when entering a party. He just steps in a takes over the party. But he has told me time and time before that he didn't want to go to a social outing where no one knew him, he would rather just sit down and watch a movie. (it also doesn't help that he is a huge movie fanatic). Bollenbach boldly puts it out there, "Furthermore, you cannot read your way thorough this. The only path forward is action." This is so true. So many of us do it. It's great if you are inspired by the words I say, or anyone else says, but those words won't do anything for you if you don't act on it. I once knew this person who loved to agree with and say all of these very inspirational quotes, but their actions never matched the quote. It's all fine and dandy to agree with your pastor, but what does it mean if you don't act on it? I understand that you understand that there are struggling people in this world, but who was the last one you feed or even helped? We rely so much on books, movies, and politicians to change this world. Why? You have arms and legs, use them. Change this world. Nicholas Vujicic does it, and he doesn't even have arms or legs. Reading books is amazing and can help you in so many ways, but are you going to read the book or go out and write it?

I am so glad that I stumbled upon Bollenbach's article for he has a lot of great insight on issues I have been running into throughout my journey. I know that you have read my blog, and already feel like you read his article, but I still encourage you to read his. His overall point is adventure will change your life, especially if you do it alone. Talk to you soon!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 12: Let's Go for a Run Around Alumni Park

Today I began my day watching One Tree Hill with my friend Victoria. We decided to watch season four, episodes "Some You Give Away", "Songs to Love and Die By", and "Everything in it's Right Place". 

A lot of people degrade One Tree Hill because it is shown on networks like the CW and Soap Net, but I consider it an epic story about love, life, tragedy, and just about everything. It has taught me so much about life and film. The music is INCREDIBLE. All it's missing is God, but they even touch on Him a few times and play Christian songs throughout the series. 

*spoiler alert*

The three episodes go together. The links down below are clips that fans of One Tree Hill have put together, but I think it displays the episodes well. Basically the group of high school kids go to the state basketball game. Some of them are in the game, and some of them are there to watch or cheer. Nathan, one of the two married seniors (married to Haley) get's into trouble with gamblers when he needs money to help support him and his pregnant wife. Haley has complications with her pregnancy as the stress is too much, and decides to visit the hospital where she discovers the sex of the baby. Nathan, due to threats of the gamblers, decides to throw the game until he hears that he is having a son and decides that, unlike his father, he is going to change how he is behaving to become a better man for his son. Lucas choses not to take his heart medication so that he can win the game since he knows that Nathan is throwing the game. The Ravens (the team with Nathan and Lucas) end up winning the game. The crowd explodes. Couples come together. Including Peyton and Lucas, the couple everyone knows should be together. Everything is perfect. Then after celebrating Nathan and Haley walk home where the gambler after Nathan tries to hit them both with his car. Instead Haley pushes Nathan out of the way and takes full impact. The gambler then swerves and hits a telephone pole. Nathan is stunned. Lucas comes rushing out from the nearby cafe where they were celebrating to help. Nathan tells Lucas to call 911 as Nathan goes after the gambler, and appears to beat him to death (you later find out that the gambler died on impact after he crashed into the telephone pole). However, Dan, Nathan and Lucas's father, finds Nathan and stops him from beating the man. When the cops show up Dan tells Nathan to go to Haley. Dan takes the blame and ends up in jail. Lucas tries to communicate with one of the EMTs, but after all of the stress of the night he collapses from a heart attack. 

The second episode Lucas wakes up from lying on the ground to find no one around him. When he gets up he spots a strange man. When he greets the man he discovers that the man is Keith, Lucas's dead uncle. Keith then takes Lucas around showing him what life would be like if he chose to not do the right thing. On this adventure he finds a darker version of his friend and former girlfriend Brooke, a dead Peyton, his now girlfriend, and a depressed and single Nathan, his half-brother and his best friend Haley's husband. Keith also decides to visit a few people on his own. He visits Karen, his former fiancé and Lucas's mother, that is now carrying his baby. He also visits his brother, Dan, who murdered him not too long ago. At the end Lucas is given a choice to die and possibly stay with Keith, or live and continue doing the right things. This is also the episode that you find out what happens to Haley and her baby. 

The third episode is the aftermath of when Haley and Lucas wake up. Dan get's freed from jail when they realize that the gambler did not die from a beating, but from the impact of the accident. Haley discovers that Nathan was actually the one who beat the gambler, and that the gambler hit her because Nathan was doing business with him. Peyton becomes scared to be intimate (kissing, even hugging) in any way with Lucas afraid that he will have another heart attack.

*Spoiler Alert*

This is definitely one thing I am not upset about having to say yes to. :)

However, it couldn't say the same for what happened later. 

Victoria and I went to dinner. We ate SO much we were stuffed! Then on the way back I ran into a classmate of mine. Running into a classmate is the worst right now. They all know that I have to say yes, so they ask me to do ridiculous things. This classmates request... she asked me to run around alumni park. The request itself wasn't so bad, but I was FULL, and I was wearing flip-flops so I had to run barefoot. I was fine the entire time until I got to the point where is was all up hill. Then I barely made it. (yes, I need to exercise more). But, I made it, and to be honest it wasn't that bad. The looks from people as I passed them was kind of humorous. And I was proud to find that even on a full stomach I can run pretty efficiently. All though I did kind of feel like Loca the pug

Once again, not too eventful of a day, but eventful enough. Talk to you soon!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 11: Frontline

Nothing really happened today. Shocker, I know. This thing called Frontline happened on campus today. It's when all of the prospective students come to visit our school. One of the main benefits is that the food is much better than usual. A crowd of prospective students were walking in through our dorm to be shown what our dorm rooms looked like. While they walked out I got stopped by one of the fathers. He began to ask me about our school and what the faith was like here. I told him that I loved this school and the faith was awesome. I told him about the many things we do on this campus that keeps our faith strong. He thanked me for talking to him, and then ran off to catch up with his group. 

I felt great. I hope that I helped him a little with how he felt about the school. That was the most that had happened today. I'm sorry I'm not being really exciting lately. But don't worry I have some exciting things to talk about tomorrow. In case you are confused I write all of my blog entries the day after I experience everything. So I write about Day 1 on Day 2. That's how I know things ahead of time. So, as I said before, tomorrow is interesting. Talk to you soon!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 8: Survey

I was curious as to how much this "yes man" project could effect someone else's life. So I walked around campus and took a survey. I asked four questions.

1. What is the riskiest or most adventurous thing you have ever done?
2. Would you ever become a "yes man"?
3. How often do you find yourself turning down opportunities?
4. Any opportunities you regret not taking?

In order to have some attempt at organization I am going to address each survey question individually.

Number one: What is the riskiest or most adventurous thing you have ever done?

Answers given:
Overseas Trip- 45%
Shared my Faith with a Stranger- 11%
Skydiving- 11%
Talked to a Stranger- 22%
Spent a lot of $- 11%

As you can see the most frequent answer was taking an overseas trip. I kind of expected an answer like this since Lee University requires each student to take a cross-cultural trip in order to graduate. So I decided to look up some statistics. Of course when researching I found many different results. Some said 3 million people traveled overseas, and to other states, and some said thousands travel overseas every year. So needless to say, a lot of people travel overseas every year. 

So then I looked up how many people skydive within a year in the U.S.. The answer, about 350,000. According to the U.S. census 314,570,630 people live in the U.S. So about less than one percent of americans skydive each year. 

So overall the riskiest thing americans do is travel overseas. 

Number Two: Would you ever become a "yes man"?

Answers Given:
Yes - 37%
No - 63%

It's safe to say that not many people want to give up their free will in order to become more adventurous. 

Number Three: How often do you find yourself turning down opportunities?

Answers Given:
Often - 37%
Occasionally - 25% 
Not Very Often - 25%
All the time - 12%
Never - 0%

The good news is that if you feel like you turn down too many opportunities there is not one person I talked to who said the never turned something down. In fact not many people saw themselves as very adventurous.

Number Four: Any opportunities you regret not taking?

Answers Given:
Yes - 75%
No - 25%

What do you regret?
A trip - 50%
Buying something - 12%
Nothing specific - 38%

No one specified whether they regretted taking a trip or not taking a trip, but if I had to guess I would guess they meant not taking a trip. Almost everyone I talk to wants to see the world before they die. It's also not a shocker that people regret buying something. With the way our economy is its easy to regret things involving money. You could buy a big money item one day and lose your job the next.

I also looked at the results and tried to conclude what makes you adventurous, and what makes you want to take on the "yes man" project.

I randomly selected a few specific people to look at. For their privacy I changed their names. 

Here's a reminder of the questions...
1. What is the riskiest or most adventurous thing you have ever done?
2. Would you ever become a "yes man"?
3. How often do you find yourself turning down opportunities?
4. Any opportunities you regret not taking?

Let's start with Maura. This is what Maura Answered.
1. overseas trip
2. yes
3. often
4. Yes, a trip

Maura is like many Americans and has taken an overseas trip. She considers this to be the most adventurous things she has done. She also admits that she turns down a lot of opportunities. I would assume that she wants to be a yes man in order to make herself more adventurous, like me.

1. Skydiving
2. no
3. often
4. Buying Something

Adam shocked me at first. He said that he often turns down opportunities but chose to not become a yes man. I was confused I thought that I would see a pattern. Those who turned down opportunities would chose to be yes men and women because they wanted to be more adventurous. He did not fit this pattern. Why? And then I say his first answering. He is one of the less than 1% that has gone skydiving. If I went skydiving I would consider myself pretty adventurous too. 

1. Spent lots of money
2. no
3. often
4. a trip

Kylie really confuses me. She answers that she doesn't want to be a yes women, but she turns things down often and regrets trips she hasn't taken. I'm confused. In her situation I believe I would want to be a yes women so that I could say yes to more trips, and regret less. 

1. Shared their faith with a stranger
2. No
3. occasionally
4. no

Sharlett fits my prediction a little better. I predict that the less you regret and the less opportunities you turn down, the less you would want to become a yes man or woman. The more you turn down, and the more you regret, the more likely you would want to become a yes man or woman. With all the results I had gotten, however, I am surprised that there aren't more yes men and women out there. Most people have many regrets and find themselves turning things down. Most people say at the end of their lives it's not all the things that they had done that they remember most, but rather the things they have not done. 

Today I met a lot of great people, and found out a lot of information. My advice to those of you struggling with not being as adventurous as you would like is to try the yes man project. If you're scared of it, give yourself guidelines, just as I have done. Just say yes more often! Talk to you soon!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 10: Becoming a Spectacle


10:30 a.m. Dixon Center Chapel
2:30 p.m. Laundry
10:00 p.m. Group

Today was pretty eventful. I didn't feel completely busy, but I feel like I have done the most I have in a while. 

10:30 a.m.
I went to chapel in the Dixon Center. This is the chapel I mentioned yesterday that had the Ladies of Lee chorus, as opposed to the dancers in Conn. Don't get me wrong the chorus was great. I just would have like to see the dancers. When we got there I recognized two people in the chorus. A girl from my english class who has chosen to not apologize for thirty days. She and I discussed this. We both agreed that we are the type of people who apologize for everything even if we are the ones who shouldn't be apologizing, but should actually be apologized to. I told her that I empathized with her, and I hope that her project is going well. Then I saw Rose. I mentioned her earlier. She was the girl I saw at the pumpkin carving contest. I still don't know who won. Anyways, I feel like she is my own little mini celebrity. I see her and I get butterflies as if I have just come across the president or someone else very famous. She's just so amazing. She has this great spirit, and gets excited about everything so that you want to be as excited about life as she is. She just radiates God's love. I love seeing her around on campus, and every time I do I smile. 

Before my last class of the day, English, I was crossing the street over to Alumni park, a beautiful park with a gazebo and lots of space that people often lounge around on either in hammocks or on the ground. While walking over a loud noise screamed out at me, "Hey you! Come smash this car!" I looked over and all I saw was a speaker. Then I looked closer and spotted the girl standing on the gazebo. About twenty feet in front of her (maybe, I'm terrible at guestimating lengths) was an old beater car with a guy sitting in a chair. Next to him was a sledgehammer and a baseball bat. On the car were spray painted targets and $1. For one dollar you could smash the car with whatever object you chose, of the two. They walked up to me and asked me to do it. I said, yes, but after my class. So I went to class and began to think of how I was going to get a dollar. I got hungry the other night so my bank account went from six dollars to four, and there was no way I was going any lower. Unfortunately, your meal plan here doesn't cover the cost of smashing in cars. Afterwards I continued to think, but I never came up with a solution. I was going to have to bring up the "I can't do anything impossible" rule and call it a day.

2:30 p.m. Laundry
A friend of mine had agreed to let me throw my clothes in the dryer with hers. So I went to her building and washed my clothes in the utility sink. When her clothes were done I squeezed my clothes to get off the excess water and then threw my clothes in with hers. We went to dinner and when we returned the load was finished, but the clothes were not dry. We thought, no big deal, and we put them in the dryer again. Then we came back and they were done, but STILL not dry. We grew frustrated. We decided it was the building's dryers. So we loaded up the clothes in her hamper, and then we left to take them to my building to try the dryers there. But the load was much heavier then we thought. First, I tried to lift it, but failed miserably. Then, she tried to lift it. She was doing pretty fine until we got outside. Then the next walk of the journey seemed like a never ending journey of tripping, dragging, and fumbling over the laundry with everyone watching as we walked by. About halfway there we were stopped by a group of people. One of which was a classmate of my english class. The classmate knew about my project and said, "Hey can you put that basket down?" I looked at her confused, one because I didn't really hear her and two because I didn't understand her. The fumbling over the laundry got me so flustered that I had forgotten I was supposed to say yes to everything. Then I got it after her third time of repeating it. I said, "Yes." And I put the basket down. Then she informed her friends that I could not say no. My friend picked the basket up and they asked me their next command. "Hey, can you help her with that basket." I looked at them, still hard at hearing, and said. "Yup." And I grabbed the other end of the flimsy basket and helped my friend. The group then walked away. It was weird. It was the first time in my project that I had experienced becoming someone else's spectacle. This would then happen again later in the day. 

10:00 p.m. Group
Later in the day was now. I went to group. We discussed many things. Then somehow I revealed to them the project I was doing. They became confused. At first they thought that there was something wrong with me and I physically couldn't say no. Then they realized that I meant I was choosing not to say no. So they then looked at me, and then asked, "So if I were to ask you to eat that cookie you would have to eat it." I responded, "Yes, but please don't." That didn't work, they did it anyway. Don't worry though it didn't make me angry, it was more of a good subject for laughter. I then picked the cookie up, and ate it. And that was that. 

Today I learned the part of this project that makes you a spectacle. Our teacher warned us of this. "Once people find out about your project there are going to try and make you fail.", he said. (or something very close, I'm not very good at remembering exact quotes). He warned us that for vegetarians, people were going to eat meat in front of you, for "yes men" people were going to make us do things, for those not aloud to complain, people were going to annoy them. This was just all bound to happen, and I am glad that it took at least ten days before it did. Talk you soon!

Day 9: Servant Work

Once again, not much happened today. I am really sorry that I keep disappointing you. Lately though my biggest thing is deciding on chapel. At Lee University every student must attend chapel on tuesdays and thursdays. Chapel is where we go in, worship, and then listen to someone speak to us. Some students dread chapel; I look forward to it. This week was convocation week. This is a full week of chapel every night, added on to the regular tuesday/thursday chapel during the day. I usually attend the Conn center, as I have said before. This week, due to the request of others and my inability to refuse, I attended the Dixon center a lot. I enjoyed it due to the worship, but I after discussing it during group last night I realized that I wish I had gone to Conn. There were many benefits to Conn. Live people instead of live feed. One day there were people dancing (something I love), but in the Dixon it was a chorus. Not to say the chorus was bad, but I just really wanted to go to the Conn. I will discuss the choir more tomorrow. And there is just a sense of unity in the Conn center that you don't get in the Dixon center. 

Today I had a lot of what I like to call "be my servant" requests. This title is not to insist that the people requesting from me were trying to make me their servant, it just happens that they ask a favor, and I can't say no. At lunch my friend Victoria asked me to go up with her to get food, so I did. Before I went up my other friend slipped in and asked, "Can you get me a banana?" "Yes." These don't seem too bad until you add up request after request. 

Even with doing little tasks for everyone today wasn't bad. However, I do have to add that if I have to say yes to "Can we listen to this?" ever again I might just explode. My friend insists on playing this one song over and over and over again. She swears it's "the best song in the world". I beg to differ. 

In case you were wondering here is "the best song in the world".

Thanks for continuing to stick with me! Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 8: Recieving

My passion for this project seems to dwindle, and it is beginning to frustrate me. I have determined the main reason for this dwindling is I have grown ill. I am hoping that it passes soon so I can get back to a better passion. I feel like I have lost my mind. I keep coming up with great ideas, and then I forget what I was thinking of. 

Today I faced one of the complex parts of myself, how to respond to someone willing to help me. I love to reach out my arms to people and help them, but for some reason I struggle so much to receive the hands stretched out to me. I pray so hard at night that God will provide for me, but I assume that He will do so not involving others. How stupid am I to assume this? Of course He is going to involve others! That's how he works! How am I to ask God to use me, but not receive the people He sends me? It's not that I am not grateful for the help of others. In fact, it is the complete opposite. I am so grateful I don't know how to react. I don't know what to say when thank you is not even close to being enough. To many just receiving a thank you blesses them. But for me I can't seem to accept thank you as an appropriate response. I want the people helping me to know that they are AMAZING, that the help I receive from them is like gold to me. That sounds cheesy, but I mean it with all the honesty that I can muster. 

This time it was my grandparents. I especially struggle with asking for help. This definitely becomes worse of a struggle when the people I need to ask for help are people I admire and look up to. Last year I came to a point where I didn't really eat. This was not because I developed an eating disorder, but rather because when the time came to feed myself my pockets were empty. There was nothing I could eat, and I didn't want to ask for handouts. I felt ashamed. It got to the point where I kept meat and cheese in a cooler in my trunk, along with some bread. This continued until the cooler dumped over and onto my college textbooks. Not a happy day. Eventually my youth pastor and his wife discovered my habits. They confronted me and told me I could come to them anytime. However, though they assured me they had enough, I could not bring myself to eat their food. It was theirs. It belonged to them and their three young children. How am I to feed myself by taking the food of others? Anyways, my grandparents texted me and then asked if there was anything I needed. Well yeah. I need socks, rain boots or at least shoes without holes in them, quarters for laundry, a job, a way to get home at Thanksgiving, and some sort of miracle that allows me to be in Maryland on January 17th so I can see my relative from New Zealand for possibly the one and only chance I get to see him. I called my mom. I had no idea how to answer. I knew what she would say, "Just answer them honestly and tell them what you need." It's a simple task, for most. But for me it's gut wrenching and heart breaking. I don't want my grandparents to think that I only want them for money or material things. They had already blessed me enough by buying me things for my dorm. But I knew I had to do it. I had to say, "YES". So I answered, "I could use some socks, and shoes for the rain." My grandmother answered back, "Poppy will b in md tomorrow tip mon....... he will give ur mom some money for the socks and shoes." At first I laughed because my grandmother uses txt language more than I do. Then this overwhelming joy leapt inside me. I was going to get rain boots and socks!!! And maybe if I got them cheap enough with a few coupons I could put some of them in my account and no longer have less than ten dollars in my account. P.S. if you ever want to hack my bank account, good luck with getting far with that overwhelming six dollars. Now you can see why I desperately need a job. 

This experience has taught me a few things. 

1. Ask for help when needed, God wants to help you. 

2. Don't take for granted what you have.
After this experience I sat down and played some videos games. (Mario Kart on Nintendo 64) I began to think to myself of how blessed I was. These past few years have been financially rough on me. My sophomore year of high school my mom lost her job. She was our main source of income. Last year I was set off into college as a commuter and due to lots of debt and things my Dad was having trouble with I began to try and live off of my own money. I looked for jobs everywhere, but they all either never responded or said the same thing, "You don't have experience." You can't get a job without experience, you can't get experience without a job. It seems like there is no way out. I have the cost of college lurking over me almost everyday. Thousands upon thousands of dollars I have to figure out how to pay off. All of this added up and got me into a spell of self pity. But after my grandparents texted me I took a look around. I have two TV stands. That may mean nothing to you, but to me, it amazes me! My dad told me that the day I move out I can have everything in my room, and that I have paid for. Proudly I can say I paid for all of the furniture in my room. Though towards the end my dad helped me out, but he didn't need to do too much. This was all from my will to earn. When I discovered that I really needed money I prayed to God. Eventually I decided that if no one was going to hire me, I was going to hire myself. A friend of mine and I started our own lawn company. We finally found someone who paid us. We helped him build a fence, cleaned his chicken coop, buried a hose, and many other random things he needed done. I was scolded by many for taking this job. Minimum wage where I live is about $7.50. For this job we were taking $5.00 an hour each. We worked about eight hours a day, sometimes only six. So when I got home to my parents covered in paint and dirt with bubbling blisters on my hand, falling down with exhaustion, and all I had to show them was forty dollars they grew angry. People all around me grew angry. They told me to quit. But I responded saying he was the only man gracious enough to hire me. I am not going to quit. And with that job I was able to pay for a lot of things, all on my own. So now I have TWO TV stands, which just thinking about makes me ecstatic, four gaming systems that I have accumulated over many years, a great movie collection, a laptop, a TV, an ottoman, a guitar (and a few more at home), a bed, a desk, many lights, and a microwave that I got for seven dollars :). I am very proud of all of this. For most these things are at the bottom of their most prized possessions. They don't think twice about these things, but for me I jump for joy. This experience has taught me to never take what I have for granted. 

3. Most of all, to continue to lend a helping hand to those around me

It wasn't an eventful day, but I did get a lot out of it. Talk to you soon!

To anyone reading this blog and enjoying it, I want to encourage you to check out my other blog entitled "You're Killing Me Smalls".

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 7: Tae Kwon Do


6:00 p.m. Tae Kwon Do
7:00 p.m. Convocation

Things to Do:

-Operation Christmas Child Boxes
-Apply to CVS
-Write John 3:16 on the stairs outside of the Vest Building (anyone have chalk I could borrow?)
-Play guitar for group
-Gangnam Style Video

Today was not very eventful, again. It rained all day, and my motivation to continue this project dropped massively. All I could look forward to was my Tae Kwon Do lesson later on.

6:00 p.m. Tae Kwon Do
Another student in my english class decided to take on teaching Tae Kwon Do for 30 days. She is going to hold lessons on Mondays and Thursdays. Being as though I am not allowed to say no I attended the lesson. It was great. Growing up I always had an interest in karate. However, I was busy with other sports. Plus I had given into the stereotypical scary sensei, so I was terrified. Emily was far from the stereotypical sensei. She was an incredible instructor. I went in thinking it was just going to be fun, but I came out feeling like I had actually learned something. Now, I am not saying that I could take on a team of bad guys like Jackie Chan, but I do think I could throw a pretty strong kick or punch.

7:30 p.m. Convocation
Then we went straight from Tae Kwon Do to convocation. Convocation is a week long period at Lee University where you attend chapel everyday. So far I have loved it! It's an amazing week, and best of all professors are not supposed to give you "much" homework, tests, or papers. It's like a free week; with Jesus! Today we decided to go to the Dixon center. It was amazing! Well, the worship was! The sermon was actually great, but we were watching the sermon on a screen that was being broadcasted from the Conn Center so some of the words were dropped, and things got awkward. But the worship was INCREDIBLE. I now find myself gravitated more towards the Dixon center than the Conn center. I never thought I would feel that way. 

Like I said it was an uneventful day. I am sorry that these days keep happening, but I hope that you still get as much from it as I do. You don't need to be the busiest man in the world to be the happiest. You don't need to go skydiving to live the day to the fullest. This is what I am learning. Also, if you ever get the chance, especially if it's free, take some Tae Kwon Do lessons! Talk to you soon!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 6: Article

In this article the author describes how becoming a "yes man" can be negative to growth, and general life. The author describes situations where someone needs an opinion, and everyone just responds with a yes, as opposed to their actual opinion. They describe how responses like that get people nowhere. Sure, in an argument people may come out happy, but no one improves. For instance, in a store if all of the employees just go along with the manager, even if they know there is a flaw, then the system will never be fixed. 

This kind of reaction is something I was scared of when I began this project. I was scared that becoming a "Yes Man" would harm me more than help me. I knew going in to this that I was going to lose my assertiveness. I knew that I was going to lose my opinion. However, my main focus with this project is to lose my assertiveness so that I allow more opportunity. I want to not be able to say no to exciting adventures so that I actually go on exciting adventures. I'm hoping that by the end of the project I will get my opinion back, but still be more open to taking exciting adventures and not letting life slip by. It is inevitable that there will be negative side effects, but I am willing to take the chance in order to receive the major positive side effect. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 5

Things to Do:
-Operation Christmas Child Boxes
-Apply to CVS
-Write John 3:16 on the stairs outside of the Vest Building (anyone have chalk I could borrow?)
-Play guitar for group
-Gangnam Style Video

Today was uneventful. I woke up a little after noon. Then my friend called me and asked if I wanted to hangout. I said, yes. She came down to my room. Our other friend called and asked to hangout out, I said yes. She came to my room. Then we sat around. We watched videos on the internet. We ate food. Then at one point we got around to watching homemade videos that I and a few of our friends from home used to make. Here are a few links to some of the ones we have made. Therapy, Revert, and How to Get Kicked out of Walmart.

Then we went to dinner, and came back to finally watch Grease. During watching Grease I decided that I really wanted a Dr.Pepper to go with my kettle corn (I am so healthy). However, the two machines in our dorm's lobby were not working. I decided I was not going to give up. The machine wouldn't accept bills, but it would accept change. So I went everywhere trying to look for change,  but only found two nickels and a few pennies. Then I realized there were machines in the PCSU. The PSCU is our student union on campus that has our mail boxes, a computer lab, our school store, a Chick fil' a, and a Subway. Everything in one place. I decided it was worth it. So I walked to the PCSU. While walking over I began to think that I had nothing to post about. Nothing eventful happened today. I began to think about whether I had just wasted the day, but when I thought about it I didn't feel like I did. Yes I may not have skydived, or gone to a party, but I did not waste the day. Sometimes we just need days where we lay back and watch home videos. As you may have noticed we even decided that we were going to make another home video. We've decided we're going to try and make our own "Gangnam style" video. For those of you who don't know what "Gangnam Style" is ,take a look. Gangnam Style

So today I may not have done much, but I realized that the day wasn't wasted. I do however hope that I can get to do more exciting things for you guys. Talk to you soon!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day Four: Another Day of Failure?

7:00 p.m. Oktoberfest
9:00 p.m. Screening of "Taken"

6:00 p.m. Tae Kwon Doe Lessons in Rec. Center

Things to Do:
-Operation Christmas Child Boxes
-Apply to CVS
-Write John 3:16 on the stairs outside of the Vest Building (anyone have chalk I could borrow?)
-Play guitar for group
-Email Danielle Jonas

5:50 p.m. Email Danielle Jonas
Lately, I have been watching "Married to Jonas". It's a reality television show about Kevin Jonas from the Jonas Brothers, and his wife Dani, an average girl from New Jersey. We watched one episode where she becomes upset because she doesn't feel beautiful, and apparently some of Kevin's "fans" had been calling her ugly. Last night I had a dream that I had met Kevin and Danielle. We talked, and I told her that she had no reason to feel that way, she was beautiful. So when I woke up I thought, I wish I could email her, and then I knew I had to. So I looked everywhere but all I could find was her twitter. So I decided to send her a tweet. It felt awkward, and I am still convinced that she is just going to look at it, get creeped out, and think I'm weird. But as I have said before, you never know what affect your words can have on someone. 
7:00 p.m. Oktoberfest
My friends, Rebekah and Victoria went with me to Oktoberfest. We got there, and it was not exciting. Music was playing, there were inflatables, there was cider pong (Christian version of Beer Pong) and cider bong (another Christian version), a pumpkin carving contest with a $250 prize, and food. Maybe it was because I wasn't feeling my best, or maybe I wasn't getting involved enough but the experience was not that enjoyable. We got cotton candy, ate it, got more, ate it. Stood around. Finally I decided to see what was going on in the pumpkin contest. We found my roommate and Rebekah's roommate. The two are friends and hangout often. There is this girl I see around on campus that I am positively fascinated by. Every time I see her she is always happy, and she gets excited about EVERYTHING, but not in an annoying way. For sake of her identity I will call her Rose. Rose was in the pumpkin carving contest. I asked Rebekah's roommate what she doing. She told me that Rose had recently lost 20-some pounds. This was awesome because Rose is pretty heavy set, but still beautiful. Rebekah's roommate told me that she was SO excited, and was trying to win the contest so she could buy herself some new clothes. My face lit up. I wanted her to win so bad! Looking back I wish I would have gone around, and asked the other contestants why they wanted the money. But I was already sold, I wanted Rose to win. 
[If anyone knows who won, please let me know!]
Finally we decided to get some five guy fries. We stood in line and waited for a good ten minutes before the line even began to move. While in line, after almost twenty minutes of waiting, my friend grew sick. So we left to get her back to the dorm to try and get her to feel better. Because of her being sick we also were no longer able to go to Taken.

9:00 p.m. Hang Around in Conference Room

6:00 p.m. Tae Kwon Doe Lessons in Rec. Center

Things to Do:
-Operation Christmas Child Boxes
-Apply to CVS
-Write John 3:16 on the stairs outside of the Vest Building (anyone have chalk I could borrow?)
-Play guitar for group

So instead of "Taken" we decided to go to the conference room and watch Grease. But while Rebekah and I were waiting for Victoria, who was upstairs taking a shower, we found a baseball game with the Orioles playing the Rangers. It was the Orioles's (our home team) first playoff game since 1996. We were ecstatic. So we watched the game, and never got around to the movie. However, during the game we decided to practice for our upcoming Tae Kwon Doe lesson on Monday... and this is what it looked like....

I still can't believe I did it but it was fun, and definitely something I would have done when I was younger.

Yes, I could have decided to go to Taken without them, but I decided that "People mean more." Plus, I still wasn't feeling so great so I wanted to stay close to a bathroom. Overall, I failed to complete all of my "yes man" events, but I still had a great day. And though I consider today a failure on behalf of "yes man", I don't consider it an overall failure. Talk to you soon!