Ah, today is the day I conclude. This project has brought me many great things. If anything it has brought back to me the joy of blogging. It has shown me that risk taking is not as scary as it seems. Contrary to popular belief, this project has relieved stress and caused less fear within me. I have found that when comes to deciding whether or not I should do something or go somewhere I no longer think about and fear it, I just do it. Like the wall that I had to climb over. I just did it. I didn't think about how high it was, and what could happen if I fall, I just hoisted myself over it and my life was all the better.
I have learned that I believe anyone and everyone should do something like this in their lifetime. If you're scared of opportunities you need to try this! If you fear that one day you will look back on life and be angry about everything you didn't do, you need to try this! If you find that you are always turning down every opportunity you get, you need to try this! If you are the most adventurous person there is out there, you still need to try this! Because this project will show you limits you never knew you had, and get you to go beyond those limits. This project is one of the best things I have done for myself in a long time. Who knew that this would be the answer?
I went to counseling. I tried to make new friends. I tried everything to get myself to fear less and stress less, but nothing worked. Finally I found something that did, and I never knew it would. I thought that this project would cause me to fear more and stress more. I thought that the more I make myself do stuff the more I was going to stress out. I did find that this was the case in the beginning, but as I moved on things got better. The more opportunities I took that were awesome, and did not turn out bad as I thought they would, the more confident I became. I honestly feel like a new person. I don't think that I am going to come out of this project and go skydiving or anything ridiculous like that. But I do think that I am going to say yes a lot more often. I think I am going to fear less and stress less. I no longer walk into a social situation with fear. I walk in knowing that the worst that can happen is I walk out unchanged, and without any interaction. I realized that that is not the death of me. You can enjoy a party without talking to a single person as long as you learn to stop fearing and stop stressing. This project will get you there.
In fact, I would argue that this project also strengthens your ability to say no. What's the point in that, you ask? Well, this project helps a lot with self-identity. You begin realize what you have been missing out on this entire time, but you also begin to realize more about what you enjoy and what you really aren't missing out on. I learned that I am missing out on great opportunities by not going to events like watching "Blue Like Jazz" or social gatherings, but I also learned that I don't have to worry about days when nothing happens. Those days can be just as great and just as useful. And it is okay to say no to something if I just want stay in today and watch a few movies, especially when I am the kind of person that can discover significant things about life through movies in the same way that English majors can discover some of the meanings of life through other literature. I can do this as long as I don't find myself doing this everyday. You will learn all about what you are missing out on, and what you don't really think is something missing within your life. You may be someone who has never gone to a party. This project will get you to that party. You may discover at that party that you love parties, or you may discover that you really never missed out on anything because parties are just not your thing. What I want to encourage of you though, if you choose to do this, is don't decide parties aren't for you only after going to one or three parties. Just because you don't enjoy a few, doesn't mean you don't enjoy them all. This project will not only help you to step outside of your comfort and learn to fear and stress less, but it will help you discover who you really are.
Also, the most important I probably could have gotten from this was discovering what I want to do with myself in this life I have been given. I really have known for a while what I want to do, but I was scared because it meant a lot of work and it was something I was not really familiar with. But this project has taught me that things like this are not only the things you should not fear, but the things that make life the best it can possibly be. So on that note, I have decided to double major in telecommunications and youth ministry. Once I graduate I am going to take a few courses on business at whatever community college is closest by to where I am living. I am going to be a youth minister for a few years out of college where I will live in the cheapest living I can find, and save up money. Also, here I am going to use this time to talk to whoever I can to get advice. Because my ultimate goal (something I never thought I would say) is to plant a church. If you know me, you know I am passionate about a lot of things! I once had to do a project for another English class where you wrote your name and then with drawings you displayed everything that you love and makes you, you. I remember my teacher looking at mine and saying, "Wow! You do a lot!" And it was true I did a lot. I loved math, writing, reading (not as much as writing), social studies, art, drama, music, film, sports, I played drums, guitar and piano, I played soccer, basketball, and softball, I loved to snowboard, I loved motocross, and I did almost everything there was for me to do and loved it. The only thing I never liked was horseback riding. That was my sister's thing. So when trying to decide what to do I didn't want to think of it. I knew God was calling me to do a lot of different things that didn't really connect so I had no idea how I was going to do it all. I think He's finally given me the answer with planting a church. I can be involved in missionaries, running a business, youth ministry, communications, and pretty much everything I have ever wanted. Thanks to this project I not only discovered the answer, but was not afraid to say yes to it.
Overall, I fear and stress about less now, I have discovered more insight on who I am, And I am now leading a life that I love.
Go out there, and become a "Yes Man."!